Top 4 Air Conditioning Problems in Boston

Summer is winding down in Baltimore, but your air conditioner has been working hard to cool your home all season and there are still a couple months before the cool fall weather really starts to set in. If your air conditioner has been working hard to combat the heat all summer long, it could start to have problems performing, especially if your air conditioner hasn’t had a tune-up recently. If your air conditioner is exhibiting any of the following problems, or if you simply need to schedule some routine maintenance to prevent problems like these from occurring, contact the Baltimore air conditioning experts at Revolution Heating & Cooling as soon as possible.
Only Some Rooms Are Cool
If your Baltimore home has central air conditioning, but only some of the rooms are getting cold enough, there could be a problem with your ductwork. If your ductwork has any rips or tears, it could be leaking out the cold air that is supposed to be blowing into your home. Alternatively, your ductwork could have a blockage that prevents it from functioning properly. If your ductwork is not the problem, your air registers for the room or rooms in question could be closed or blocked. Whatever the case, if your home is only cool in some rooms, then your air conditioner is not working efficiently. In fact, if your home has warm patches, your air conditioner may be working extra hard to try to cool down your house, adding usage to your electricity bill and putting strain on your HVAC system. A professional Baltimore HVAC contractor will be able to assess and repair the problem for you to ensure that your system is working correctly again!
Air Conditioner Won’t Run
Sometimes, your air conditioner won’t run because of something minor, so it is always best to do a few quick inspections to see if your problem can be easily resolved. First, make sure that the thermostat has power, is on, and is set to “cool”. Be sure to check the temperature on your thermostat to confirm that it is on the correct setting. If all of the settings on your thermostat look good, and your system still is not working, the next step is to check the circuit breaker. Your circuit breaker for your air conditioner may have tripped, preventing your air conditioner from accessing its power supply. Reset the appropriate circuit breaker in your breaker box. If your air conditioner still won’t come on, you will need help from the professionals. Contact our knowledgeable team at Revolution Heating & Cooling today for your air conditioning repairs!
Air Conditioner Runs Without Cooling
If your air conditioner is coming on as expected, but isn’t cooling, there are a few things you can try before calling for help. Most obviously, check the thermostat to be sure your air conditioner knows that it should be cooling your home. Sometimes, the settings on a thermostat get changed inadvertently, causing an uncomfortably hot or cold environment. If your thermostat is fine, make sure that your AC filters are all clean and new. Old, clogged filters can negatively impact your air conditioner’s performance and can even cause your air conditioner to stop cooling altogether. If your filters look fine and your thermostat is set correctly, seek help from a qualified HVAC contractor. Revolution Heating & Cooling will send out an expert who can determine and repair the underlying problem and get your home cooling again in no time!
Air Conditioner is Rapid-Cycling
Rapid-cycling, also known as short-cycling, occurs when your air conditioner turns off and on repeatedly, regardless of the temperature in your home. Sometimes, short-cycling can happen many times in just a couple of minutes. Short-cycling can do damage to your air conditioner, so you want to be sure to take care of the problem right away. Before calling the experts, check your AC filters. If they are extremely dirty or clogged, that might explain why your air conditioner is short-cycling. Turn your air conditioner off while you replace any dirty or clogged filters. If you turn it back on and the system is still rapid-cycling, then the problem could be related to frozen coils or low refrigerant. Whatever the case, our qualified Baltimore air conditioning experts will be able to repair your air conditioner, restoring it to peak performance.